Thursday, November 4, 2010


There is a sensation welling up inside. It feels physically like my chest is cracking open, energetically like my throat is swollen, and a pulsing inside of my head that is oh so familiar, except this time, in a different way. I feel emotion creeping through me, but when I try to express it, like I have done before, it doesn't come out. The little voice inside me says that "that's not what it is."
I have no clue and I do not want to know anymore, I'm tired of knowing. Knowing hasn't gotten me anything except the entertainment I wish to no longer entertain. I want no side of the picture to be "mine". I want no opinion that is strong and convicting. I want no thing.
Lets get straight to it then, I want happiness. I am ready to stop kicking cans and beating around the bush. Happiness is it. To smile at others and myself in all ways, at all times, inside and out.

I am
I am here
I have a right to want
I have a right to desire
I have a right to happiness
and the right to be my happiness.
I am ready to be softer to myself not just others.
I am ready to believe that I am important.
I am
I am here
I am real
I am ready
I believe in me
I am solid
I am not invisible
I am influential
I am powerful
I am
I am love
I am loving
I am the best thing that has ever happened to me
I am thankful
I am blessed.
I am ready to give everything I have
I am ready to hold nothing back for my "self"
I am
I forgive you
I trust you
I love you
I am joyful for it all
I am because of it all
I am joy because of it
I am it
I am and I am not.


  1. Yes you are I am. I see you Daniel, I believe in you.

    Love and BIG hugz, Sharon

  2. Same to you Sharon!!!

    Mad love! xoxoxo
