Such is this peace we share so often, that we have disregarded it presence. An ingrained urge to search, a wanting for understanding of not only ones self, but of its surroundings and relation to love, our ultimate state.
I believe that this urge has come from our dissolution of ourselves, of our surroundings. We have come to call so many things, so many names. We have connected stories that have solidified our reason for understanding “whats going on”. We have created a million books to see the different ways that have been able to put these stories into different context, and box them up and say AH HA, I've got it!!! But whats an it?? really?
Reading from a book called “I and Thou” by. Martin Buber. He explains that the I-It separation is only a way in which we process thought to distinguish our “selves”. So really, anything that you may have figured out, is really just an expression of yourself. That really, we have looked for the distinguished parts so far that we have surpassed our own sight and true depth of touch. With what? I would say with what Deepak Chopra calls “the gap”. Whats in between. Why should we draw outside the lines? What fascinates us so much with defining the edges of our existence? Maybe in my own way it has been a search for perfection. But a search of perfection according to whom??
So say I finish a page in a colouring book, I've drawn in all the lines, coloured all the colours according to memory, that create what I think is it. But who created the book? Who created the colours?? Who created the memory? Even now I am finding myself being bound by the boxes of my mental complexities, but here we can find some truth. The existence of the “black space”. The spots in our mind where we seem not to be able to answer questions, but rather come up with new ones to avoid the realness that we actually know nothing. This gap can be called silence, and maybe a place in which the observer can be observed. Because here, we see further then what we have put outside ourselves. This is where miracles are born.
So we find that the human body is a microcosm of the universe. That now we know that a single molecule holds the same density of mass as the entire universe!! Where do we go from here?? We have found ourselves maxing out on our intellectual capacity. We have gained so much knowledge that we have now created a thought process that can only limit us.
But wait! There is a “solution” per say. What if you accepted that the search was no further away from you then your own heartbeat! That inside of you, there is all the information that you “will” ever want or need. You will find the truth about life and death. And that within these elements we find an equilibrium of peace. That death is needed for life, and life is essential for death. That the transformations of one thing into another is the truth of ourselves. That essentially the consciousness and acceptance, made by each organism, to give unto another so that it may continue is our love. That here we find we can use our mentality to rather understand, that we are not unconscious to the evolution of energetics. We are the observer who sees the beauty of the exchange and makes our experiences unique from our own physical perspectives.
"... death is needed for life ..." because it is only when we accept and are ready to die can we really live. After all death is not an ending but merely an evolution, a moving on ...